A simple and safe method for Indian investors to make money in the stock market
For most individual investors it is probably the only way to beat inflation and build wealth. Investments in other assets like real estate or bullion require huge capital and are illiquid.
This book introduces the innovative Armchair Investing system to help you make money from stocks.
So, what's so special about Armchair Investing? Plenty:
- It's a comprehensive investment strategy with easy-to-follow rules for buying and selling stocks and for monitoring your portfolio.
- It's simple. You don't have to be highly qualified to profit from it.
- It's a relatively safe method of equity investing.
- The tools you need are all easily and inexpensively available.
- It requires no more than 2 hours a week of your time.
- It is an inherently disciplined and nearly automatic approach.
- It's market-tested. The author has successfully used this system for investing in stocks.
So, here is a book with a big promise — a simplified way of making money in the stock market. The Armchair Investing system is a practical, tested, safe, automatic and rule-based method which can help you steadily build wealth from stocks.