The Atomic Warden 11 MNC is a solid option to go with any all-mountain ski. It's Multi Norm Certified, which means it works with all types of soles DIN, Touring and Walk To Ride (WTR) and fits every normed boot in the market. It has an Oversized Platform and U-Power Toe a super-wide platform that provides extra lateral power transmission, steering, flex and dampening. This platform is also 30% wider than comparable bindings so works particularly well with progressive wider skis like Vantage. It has a DIN range of 3.5 to 11. It also features a Low Profile Chassis, Progressive Transfer Pads and a special lightweight heel that keeps your ski nice and agile.
Din Rnage: 3.5 - 11
Low Profile Chassis
Oversized Platform U-Power Toe
Progressive Transfer Pads
Automatic Wing Adjustment
Toe Height Adjustment
Senior Norm MNC